HELP!!! CLASSROOM IN NEED! - DonorsChoose.Org

A new opportunity to help out the WOHE music classroom is now available!!  Mrs. Kuchta's music classroom now has a new Donor's Choose project posted.  Our music room is in desperate need of an up-to-date iPad.  Our current classroom iPad is a dinosaur...going on 10 years old.  It no longer supports Apple software updates, won't stayed charged, and likes to shut down randomly without warning.  We use our iPad daily, typically with just about every class in some form or fashion.  From recording projects, to music apps, to various record keeping, to story telling, and so much more, our classroom iPad is an essential tool for the functioning of our classroom community.  PLEASE consider helping!!  Every little amount get us closer to our goal!!!  Click the link her below to see the posted project via the Donors Choose website!


The elementary music classroom at Willard Orchard Hills is embarking on a new experiment which will allow us to raise money to help purchase MUCH needed puppet tree stand displays for our classroom.  As I was talking with a fellow music colleague this summer, she told me about an on-line company that helps raise funds for specific items for classrooms across the country.  She has even taken advantage of this resource to help furnish guitars for her classroom.  So, I thought why not?  It doesn't hurt anything to try!!!

This is a FREE resource to any teacher who wishes to take the time and effort to complete all of the requirements set forth by the company.  Because of my nature and my love for teaching music, I want to be able to take advantage of any resource out there that can help our cause and the learning that takes place in my classroom!

Please check out this link to visit our posted project along with hundreds of others from across the country.  Any donation helps our great cause!!!