Sunday, August 28, 2011

Arr! 3rd Grade Pirates and Mateys

Dear 3rd Grade Parents and Students:                                        
Yes!  It is that time again to start thinking about the upcoming 3rd grade program.  Although it is not until Thursday, November 10th, I am trying to get a head start on gathering items so as not to be in a last minute panic mode. J  Below is a list of Pirate themed items we are looking for.  Right now is an excellent time to be keeping eyes wide open with Halloween right around the corner.  If you can help with any of these items, please let me know.  Any items loaned will be returned after the program unless you state otherwise.  If you are a seamstress and are willing to take on some simple sewing projects, please let me know.

1.  Empty Paper Towel rolls so we can make telescopes.
2.  Fancy Captain Pirate Hat
3.  Long, cloak like pirate vest
4.  Small stuffed parrot
5.  Red and White wide striped shirt
6.  Treasure Chest or Trunk
7.  Large Treasure Map
8.  Large, fake gold medallions, coins, jewels, etc.
9.  Plastic chicken or turkey leg (the bigger the better).
10.  Bandana Pirate Hat
11.  Ship steering wheel also known as a Helm
12.  Large, old wooden mug

We also want to purchase Pirate themed bandanas for all of the cast members to wear in the program.  I have found a couple of different cute ones from Oriental Trading Co. that would definitely fit our purpose.  If each child brought in a $1, we could easily purchase these for 3rd grade.  Please turn your $1 into your classroom teacher no later than Friday, Oct. 7th.  I would also like all choir members to wear black t-shirts for the performance. 
I am so excited for this 3rd grade program this year.  It is going to be really cute.  Any help with anything listed above would be deeply appreciated.  Thanks again for letting me work with your children and for supporting their ongoing music education experiences!!  We couldn’t do this without you!

Musically Yours,
Mrs. Kuchta, Willard East Music Teacher