Friday, May 13, 2011

To Infinity and Beyond - Looking Ahead to 2011-2012

WOW...only 2 more weeks to go.  UNBELIEVABLE!

In looking ahead to our 2011-2012 school year, I just wanted to give a "draft" version of the projected music program schedule for each grade level.  Check back at the beginning of the school year for more detailed dates and information regarding programs.

2nd grade will be in October, around the 2nd week.
3rd grade will be in November, around the 1st or 2nd week.
4th grade will be in December, around 1st or 2nd week (Christmas musical).
1st grade will be in March.
Kindergarten will be in April.

Another event that we are planning on participating in again is the annual Kodaly of the Ozarks Honor Choir.  This event will take place in the Spring and is open to 3rd and 4th grade students who show exemplary skills in music.  Both formal and informal observations and assessments (sometimes known to the students, sometimes unknown) will be made by myself throughout the year as to help the selection process for prospective choir students. 

In the fall, we will have the pleasure of hosting a student teacher from Evangel University.  Miss Lynette Staswick will be joining us in October for 6 weeks.  She will be joining us right at the height of program preparation.  Miss Staswick is no stranger to us as she completed a semester long practicum course with us 2 years ago.  She enjoyed her time so much that she has requested to return to our classroom to complete her collegiate studies.  Miss Staswick will be jumping right in with all the happenings that will be taking place at that time.

If you need to contact me over the summer, you can e-mail me at  I will be checking this e-mail account regularly.  I will try my best to respond to any communication in a timely manner. 

Now, off to summer vacation we go!  Have a fun-filled, safe, happy, and exciting summer!

Mrs. Kuchta