Friday, April 29, 2011

End of Year Music Announcements

Way to go WE Kindergarten!!  What a spectacular show!  I am so proud of ALL of you for your hard work and countless hours of practice!!  You guys rocked the house :)

Carnival STOMP Performance - It's time for the annual WE STOMP Performance by 4th grade.  ALL 4th grade students need to report to the WE gym no later than 7:15 on Friday, May 6th to prepare for their performance.  What a great way to finish out the year!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kindergarten Music Program, 2011

It has finally arrived!  Kindergarten musical is THIS Thursday, April 28th! 

We will perform two times; once at 2:30 for the school and the other at 7:00 for friends, family, etc.  ALL Kindergarten students need to arrive at 6:45 and report to their homerooms.

Boys can wear nice jeans/pants with collared shirts.  Girls can wear the same or a nice spring dress.

Feel free to email me or call with questions or concerns.

Mrs. Kuchta

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Welcome to my new blog.  I am in the process of switching from edublogs to google blogger.  Check back in a few weeks for further updates and a complete switch.  Will make announcement when official switch is complete.