Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2nd Semester Music Room News

Wow!  I can't believe January is already here.  This year is flying by so fast! 

I just wanted to give a few updates regarding some important dates involving music events at Willard East during this Spring semester.

1.  First grade music program will be on Thursday, March 8th at 2:30 and 7:00. 

2.  Kindergarten music program will be on Thursday, April 26th at 2:30 and 7:00.

3.  Kodaly of the Ozarks Annual Spring Honor Choir will be held on Saturday, May 12th.  3rd and 4th grade students who are selected to participant in this event will bring information, forms, registration letters, etc. home sometime end of Feb. or beginning of March.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

2nd Grade Fall Music Program

2nd Grade is preparing for their upcoming music program which will take place on Thursday, Oct. 13th at 2:30 and 7:00.  Students can wear cowboy/girl clothing (overalls, boots, plaid shirts, skirts, bandanas, etc.) and accessories (braids, pigtails, etc. - please NO hats)!  Students should arrive no later than 6:45 for the evening performance.  They will need to report to their homeroom.  Feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns.

P.S. If your student has not already sent in $2 for their bandana, please do so quickly.  They need to turn their money into their classroom teacher!

Mrs. Kuchta

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Arr! 3rd Grade Pirates and Mateys

Dear 3rd Grade Parents and Students:                                        
Yes!  It is that time again to start thinking about the upcoming 3rd grade program.  Although it is not until Thursday, November 10th, I am trying to get a head start on gathering items so as not to be in a last minute panic mode. J  Below is a list of Pirate themed items we are looking for.  Right now is an excellent time to be keeping eyes wide open with Halloween right around the corner.  If you can help with any of these items, please let me know.  Any items loaned will be returned after the program unless you state otherwise.  If you are a seamstress and are willing to take on some simple sewing projects, please let me know.

1.  Empty Paper Towel rolls so we can make telescopes.
2.  Fancy Captain Pirate Hat
3.  Long, cloak like pirate vest
4.  Small stuffed parrot
5.  Red and White wide striped shirt
6.  Treasure Chest or Trunk
7.  Large Treasure Map
8.  Large, fake gold medallions, coins, jewels, etc.
9.  Plastic chicken or turkey leg (the bigger the better).
10.  Bandana Pirate Hat
11.  Ship steering wheel also known as a Helm
12.  Large, old wooden mug

We also want to purchase Pirate themed bandanas for all of the cast members to wear in the program.  I have found a couple of different cute ones from Oriental Trading Co. that would definitely fit our purpose.  If each child brought in a $1, we could easily purchase these for 3rd grade.  Please turn your $1 into your classroom teacher no later than Friday, Oct. 7th.  I would also like all choir members to wear black t-shirts for the performance. 
I am so excited for this 3rd grade program this year.  It is going to be really cute.  Any help with anything listed above would be deeply appreciated.  Thanks again for letting me work with your children and for supporting their ongoing music education experiences!!  We couldn’t do this without you!

Musically Yours,
Mrs. Kuchta, Willard East Music Teacher

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Welcome back!!  I always get excited when the new school year approaches.  The enthusiasm, the energy, the smiles, the smell of a freshly waxed building, new supplies...you can't help but get those anxious butterflies in your stomach!!  After a very restful summer, we are ready to jump back in to the groove! 

The elementary music classroom at Willard East is embarking on a new experiment which will allow us to raise money to help purchase MUCH needed xylophones for our classroom. As I was talking with a fellow music colleague this summer, she told me about an on-line company that helps raise funds for specific items for classrooms across the country. She has even taken advantage of this resource to help furnish guitars for her classroom. So, I thought why not? It doesn't hurt anything to try!!!

This is a FREE resource to any teacher who wishes to take the time and effort to complete all of the requirements set forth by the company. Because of my nature and my love for teaching music, I want to be able to take advantage of any resource out there that can help our cause and the learning that takes place in my classroom!

Please check out this link to visit our posted project along with hundreds of others from across the country.

Friday, May 13, 2011

To Infinity and Beyond - Looking Ahead to 2011-2012

WOW...only 2 more weeks to go.  UNBELIEVABLE!

In looking ahead to our 2011-2012 school year, I just wanted to give a "draft" version of the projected music program schedule for each grade level.  Check back at the beginning of the school year for more detailed dates and information regarding programs.

2nd grade will be in October, around the 2nd week.
3rd grade will be in November, around the 1st or 2nd week.
4th grade will be in December, around 1st or 2nd week (Christmas musical).
1st grade will be in March.
Kindergarten will be in April.

Another event that we are planning on participating in again is the annual Kodaly of the Ozarks Honor Choir.  This event will take place in the Spring and is open to 3rd and 4th grade students who show exemplary skills in music.  Both formal and informal observations and assessments (sometimes known to the students, sometimes unknown) will be made by myself throughout the year as to help the selection process for prospective choir students. 

In the fall, we will have the pleasure of hosting a student teacher from Evangel University.  Miss Lynette Staswick will be joining us in October for 6 weeks.  She will be joining us right at the height of program preparation.  Miss Staswick is no stranger to us as she completed a semester long practicum course with us 2 years ago.  She enjoyed her time so much that she has requested to return to our classroom to complete her collegiate studies.  Miss Staswick will be jumping right in with all the happenings that will be taking place at that time.

If you need to contact me over the summer, you can e-mail me at ekuchta@willard.k12.mo.us.  I will be checking this e-mail account regularly.  I will try my best to respond to any communication in a timely manner. 

Now, off to summer vacation we go!  Have a fun-filled, safe, happy, and exciting summer!

Mrs. Kuchta

Friday, April 29, 2011

End of Year Music Announcements

Way to go WE Kindergarten!!  What a spectacular show!  I am so proud of ALL of you for your hard work and countless hours of practice!!  You guys rocked the house :)

Carnival STOMP Performance - It's time for the annual WE STOMP Performance by 4th grade.  ALL 4th grade students need to report to the WE gym no later than 7:15 on Friday, May 6th to prepare for their performance.  What a great way to finish out the year!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kindergarten Music Program, 2011

It has finally arrived!  Kindergarten musical is THIS Thursday, April 28th! 

We will perform two times; once at 2:30 for the school and the other at 7:00 for friends, family, etc.  ALL Kindergarten students need to arrive at 6:45 and report to their homerooms.

Boys can wear nice jeans/pants with collared shirts.  Girls can wear the same or a nice spring dress.

Feel free to email me or call with questions or concerns.

Mrs. Kuchta

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Welcome to my new blog.  I am in the process of switching from edublogs to google blogger.  Check back in a few weeks for further updates and a complete switch.  Will make announcement when official switch is complete.